Hville Nupes

Hendersonville (TN) Alumni Chapter

The Hendersonville (TN) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. 

Interested Candidates

Membership within Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. starts with a voluntary oath of commitment. Our illustrious founders were committed to promoting true manliness through achievement & brotherhood. Our emphasis is in the quality and integrity of its membership. Membership quality is measured in the true element of brotherhood we call “that Good Old Kappa Spirit.”

We in the Hendersonville (TN) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. have continued to promote the objectives of our fraternity through a progressive manner. As a young chapter chartered in 1995, we whole hardheartedly believe in reinventing our process in order to progress as a chapter. Our fundamental purpose and goals have not changed. We are still very focused on achievement; however, we focus heavily on influencing the lives of at risk youth in the Middle Tennessee area, as well as focusing on local health, political, & economic issues.


The goals of Hendersonville (TN) Alumni Reclamation program are to reclaim additional members, promote a spirit of brotherhood, and retain reclaimed members in the chapter. Each year, Hendersonville (TN) Alumni moves toward a day when reclamation is not a special endeavor, but for now we encourage those who’ve become distant to rekindle their involvement with the bond. In our chapter no brothers diamond is bigger than the next, so recognition is given to members who give their time to the fraternity in the form of awards, recognition at the regular meetings, and in articles submitted to the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal.

The Hendersonville (TN) Alumni chapter encourages all detached members of the Noble Klan to become active members of the chapter. If you are a resident of the Nashville-Metro area and would like to get back involved with the Bond, please Contact us, and your process will be started with “Coming Back to the Bond”